How To Extend The Life of Clothes

How To Extend The Life of Clothes

Save money on your wardrobe by taking care of the clothes that you have. When shopping, spend a little extra on the classic, high-quality pieces that will carry you season to season. And then extend the life of your clothes and keep them looking great by caring for them properly. 

1Wash in cold water

Washing your clothes in cold water, using a mild detergent and avoiding bleach can certainly extend the life of most clothing. And handwash apparel when you can — particularly more delicate fabrics. Also, avoid washing when you don’t have to — if you have only worn your jeans for a few hours, you don’t need to throw them in the laundry.

2Skip the dryer

The heat of dryer not only shrinks fabric, it can also deteriorate the fibers over time. Use liquid fabric softener in the wash and then hang your clothes (or lay them flat) to dry. Not only will your clothes last longer, you’ll also save money on energy costs by eliminating the dryer.

3Treat stains right away

Set-in stains can ruin clothes. Carry a stain removing pen or stick for stain treatment on the go, and be sure to treat and wash away all stains as soon as you can.


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