I often get asked what Solid Motherhood really means and it is hard not to get carried away by all the musings, but to give a more structured explanation think of it as a well rounded foundation for parenting that provides building blocks to a more mindful and conscious approach by having resources and a safe place available for honest conversations. As parents we often need to be heard, feel supported and united in a way, even with different perspectives and views on parenting.
2. Where do you gain inspiration?
Inspiration is a very fine and wavering phenomenon. It can come in a constant stream for a while, it can stop whatsoever giving you all kinds of feels, but to keep it coming on a more consistent basis it is helpful to seek for it ourselves. I personally get inspired by people, stories, music, time alone, podcasts and good conversations. Anything that makes my soul sing and brings positivity into my life always opens an opportunity to see ahead, feel myself and hear my inner voice.
3. Personally, what does SUSTAINABILITY mean to you?
I believe sustainability is a lifestyle that we are all implementing in some ways already and will continue to evolve and evoke towards it. Sustainability isn’t a new trend but rather a well forgotten lasting approach to a living. An approach that was swept away by single use necessities. However, we are starting to tap back onto the values that were important back then.
4. Describe the decisions you make when it comes to buying clothes for your daughter, Amelie.
I think it all comes from personal shopping habits, if we tend to overbuy clothes for ourselves we will probably do the same for our kids. So it all starts within.
I have adjusted to less is more approach a while back, my closet is pretty slim and I value quality over quantity more than ever before. I actually stopped shopping at places like Zara and H&M about two years ago. So when it comes to purchasing clothes for the little one I follow the same approach.
I also have noticed that by purchasing cheaper clothes for the little one costs me more at the end. The quality isn’t great and while the price tag $12.99 for the pack of pants seems very attractive at first I still end up with a pretty steep bill at the end of shopping. Then I wash the pieces a few times and they lose their original fit and look making it barely possible to resell. Plus it makes me question where do my money go, who do I support?
With local and small businesses I know that I help to provide a constant income to families that strive to provide the best quality and fabrics for little ones to wear. These brands usually produce pieces in small batches which makes the production less wasteful. This help goes a long way truly. And I also get a higher reselling value and more chances for pieces to continue on their journey elsewhere.
Disclaimer: if I ever need to buy something on a mass market for whatever reason I won’t beat myself up for this. However I would do it more mindfully by only purchasing what I’m looking for.
5. How do you make clothes last?
That’s an important question we should be raising more often these days. How did our parents and grandparents wear their pieces for years and they would still look amazing? It all comes down to quality and care.
Fine, we have picked a few more expensive, sustainably made, quality pieces, now how do we make them last with kiddos? Well, first and foremost I would say that teaching kids to take care of things is not less important than letting them go wild. Washing clothes with them makes it a great play and shows how much effort it takes to keep them clean. Having less stuff at home sets more appreciation towards things as well. As I mentioned before it all starts with us, with our habits and lifestyle.
Now off to some practical tips on how do I make our clothes last.
- I always have a bucket ready with some hot soapy water. After Amelie gets a new stain or two I soak it for a little while there. I also use a stain remover bar by The Soap Works that helps greatly every time.
- After a few pieces have piled up in a bucket (sometimes I hand wash them), and I have some more laundry to do, I run a washing machine on a delicate cycle only. So my daughter’s pieces are always well pre-soaked and the laundry bar is applied.
- I barely ever use a dryer for her pieces, the power of the drying machines these days is so strong that most of the pieces (even adult ones) look quite wrecked and often shrieked. So I just hang them on a drying rack instead. It really extends the life of the clothes.
- Sometimes I also add natural bleach to the washing cycle that is colour and fabric-safe also by The Soap Works. It really helps to get the stains out without damaging the clothes.
- For washing cycles I always use mesh laundry bags for my daughter's clothes to keep them separate from the rest of the pieces. Help to keep them safe and last.
So when I get compliments how Amelie’s clothes stay so clean and that she probably doesn’t stain them, I smile.
6. How to shop for kids pieces sustainably and more affordable?
It only takes a little effort at first to find alternative places and brands to shop from, luckily there are more and more shops like Goodbuyandhello that are changing the game completely by embracing the concept of circular economy.
Second hand pieces don't have to smell or be worn out, instead, they hold a story and provide a new life to the next owner. The duties of places like Goodbuyandhello are a proper inspection of the pieces, some dry cleaning when needed and delivering them to your door, so you get a feeling of purchasing fresh but very good priced clothes.
Another way of not breaking the bank when it comes to purchasing clothes is to keep an eye on seasonal sales that are happening all the time. And if you are watchful enough you might score pretty great deals at the end of each season or holiday sales. So keep your eyes open.
5. What happens to Amelie’s clothes once outgrown?
Well, as she is still pretty young we just started our journey with the circular economy by listing some of the pieces here, some we have donated. Few of the dearest pieces we decided to keep for now as I want her to see them when she is older. One thing I keep in mind is that most of the pieces that were purchased from mass markets have ended up in garbage for their unusable look and only the pieces that were higher quality ones I was able to resell and get some of my money back.
You can find Inga on Instagram @SOLIDMOTHERHOOD